218 Smart Enough to Memory Holes
Solar Probe, Beach Waves, UFOs, Extrinsic memory, Sand Worms, and crossed eyes.
217 Smart Enough to Eyre Grievances
Assassin Bugs, Visual Centre, Catchment Areas, AI doctors and more dragons
216 Smart Enough to Iron Men
Pigeon heads, The father of democracy, Dietary Iron, Voting preferences and eating Jewish food..
215 Smart Enough to Fire Bugs
New Moon, Warm blood, Phoenix and Decaf Coffee.
214 Smart Enough to Space Time
Space and time, Cooking pasta, Cheese making and Questions for Greg.
213 Smart Enough to Foam Home
Styrofoam, Ice, Feel good songs, and Silicone rubber.
212 Smart Enough to Babble On
Empathy vs Sympathy, Car Heaters, Onions, Tower of Babel, Avatar the last Air Bender, Definitive Kelvin(s)
211 Smart Enough to Have Read Heads
Carbon Dioxide while you sleep, Dyson Spheres, Redheads don't feel pain, Parasocial relationships, Blood clotting with electricity.
210 Smart Enough to Goose Eggs
Injection site, Hugs, Building on the moon, Golden Eggs
209 Smart Enough to Ground Control
Easter Dates, The Nasal Cycle, Fainting, Anthotypes, Space Cadavers and Long Covid's name.
208 Smart Enough to Duck Bills
Terraforming Mars, Robot Vacuum, Coal ash, Leap years and leap seconds, Cryptozoo: Scrooge McDuck
207 Smart Enough to Egg Whites
Eggs, Red Belly Black Snake, predictions of the future from the past, fireworks in space.
206 Smart Enough to have Rose Glasses
Colour blind glasses experiment, dinosaurs made mammals short lived, chimera monkeys, returning comet.
205.5 Wah Wonders Why - Book Club - Children of Existential Crisis
Greg recommends a book to Dr Natasha sparking an existential crisis.
205 Smart Enough to Pink Balls
Pink Lakes, making oxygen, gems and jewels, Soda makers, Can everyone learn, The centre of the solar system, Smooth Earth
204 Smart Enough to Anger Management
Spinning real fast, Gold toilets, Angry goal making, Romance in the lab.
203.5 Wah Wonders Why - Book Club - Animals
Dr Natasha is back to discuss books about animals
203 Smart Enough to Reverse Cars
Disco Balls, Interchanges, Naming a rover, Antimatter falling down
202 Smart Enough to Pan Tones
Cat allergens, Clashing Colours, Human Yolk, Popcorn
201 Smart Enough to Dream Wizards
Detecting Dark Matter with Ravi Jaiswar
200.99804688 Logarithmic Action
The pointier end
200.99609375 Action
The pointy end.
200.9921875 The Deal
A deal was made.
200.984375 A Kugelblitz
200.96875 The Genius Idea
Dan's Great Idea
200.9375 White Noise
We have Deborah Francis White on the podcast to talk about the role of women in professional settings
200.875 Texas Tea
Greg writes a story. Dan needs a fuel source
200.75 Torporman
AI poetry, Hiberation and a sketch about the Frog and the Scorpian.
200.5 Tortoise Head
New Logo and other Greg does a Pimp my Time in Egypt
200 Smart Enough to Cube Balls
Dark Sky, Gelatonous cubes, and a week on a planet.
199 Smart Enough to Taste Tests
Skin Cancer, Deep time, Salt and Snow.
198 Smart Enough to Unseat Belts
UFOs, Induction stoves, Office Loyalty, Covid Dangers, T-rex mouths.
197 Smart Enough to Bug Reports
How crazy did COVID make us? Where the heart lies. A big Cicada. The end of civilization.
196.5 Wah Wonders Why - In a dark, dark wood
Greg and Dan talk to Professor Peter Quinn about dark matter. From MACHOS, to WIMPS, to WISPS and even MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics).
196 Smart Enough to Storm Clouds
Human Hair, Lightning Strikes and the ever expanding universe.
195.5 Wah Wonders Why - Book Club - Girls to the front
More books reviewed with Dr Natasha this time featuring women authors.
195 Smart Enough to Honey Smacks
Where mammals started, Sugar in wounds, Cryptozoo Avatar, Eating Soap
194 Smart Enough to Ship Shapes
2022 Wrapup, Bruising, Bumble Bee play, Sunny Boy shape, Penis art.
193 Smart Enough to Number Wang
Number of humans, phone research, number of ants, Speeding, number of T-Rex's and some walks of shame regarding Spatulas
192.5 Wah Wonders Why - Space Chemist
Greg chats to Dr Jared Fernando
192 Smart Enough to Man Flues
Five Monkeys and Queen, Ice blasting, Throat mics, orgasm sickness, Corona.
191 Smart Enough to Parrot Parrots
Eating Animals, Painful Plants, Double Glazed Windows, The Taste of Bacon, Parrots Talking
190.5 Movie Punk Theatre - Sequels and Prequels
It's a half episode where Dan talks to Carrington Vanston about movie sequels and not science.
190 Smart Enough to Drug Stores
Dr Peter Duggan joins us to talk about making medication from psychedelics.
189.5 Wah Wonders Why - Book Club Multiverse
Greg brings back Dr Natasha and also ropes Dan in to talk books about the multiverse.
189 Smart Enough to Love Hearts
JWST, Deomodex, Asbestos, Scared Mice, Sighing
188 One Ate & Ate
We interview Dr Jo Rees about our gut biota.
187.5 Wah Wonders Why - Plants in Space
Greg and Dan talk to Professor Harvey Millar about space plants
187 Smart Enough to Second Dates
Eggplants, Laser weeding, Mufflers, Dating and Ear drums.
186.5 Wah Wonders Why - Book Club Online
All fanfic is rubbish, right? Dr Natasha brings a couple of free internet books worthwhile reading to the book club.
186 Smart Enough to Cool Cats
How many people there should be, Bioluminescent Algae, Cat offspring, Blood in space, Petrol Bowsers.
185.5 Wah Wonders Why - Book Club Aliens
In the first book club on the podcast, Greg talks to Dr Natasha not about space (shock) but great sci-fi novels concerning alien intelligence and how biology shapes morality.
185 185.0 - Smart Enough To Radio Stars
Greg chats to Dr Natasha Hurley Walker about a mysterious astronomical entity.
184.5 Wah Wonders Why - Cosmic Savannah
Greg talks to Dr Jacinta Delhaize about the Cosmic Savannah podcast
184 Smart Enough to Post Scarcity
We interview Manu Saadia about the economics of Star Trek.
183.5 Wah Wonders Why - What the Philosophy?! - Attack of the Killer Robots!
Greg and Dan chat to Laura Nolan about the ethics of automated weapons.
183 183.0 - Smart Enough to Race Rats
The Tonga Volcano, Spicy Food, Facial Hair, Contraception, Rats Driving, Mirrors, Geometric Mean.
182 Smart Enough to Leap Frogs
Millipede legs, Butter, Common cold vs Covid, The best mugging victim and Cobra venom.
181.5 Wah Wonders Why - Qui Custodiet Medicus
Greg talks to Tom Salinsky about Doctor Who and Big Finish.
181 Smart Enough to Steam Power
Bird Names, Teeth Brushing, Clean Rooms, Rocket Spinning, One Food, Finger Clicking.
180.5 Wah Wonders Why - Snapshot 4 - 18 months later
A catchup with people from around the globe regarding Covid19
180 Smart Enough to Glass Bones
The at sign, Hey Siri, Wine glasses, New bits in the body
179.5 Wah Wonders Why - Wah Punch Man
Greg explores his favourite pop-culture and talks to Kawaii-Fi about anime.
179 Smart Enough to Drug Capsules
Greg and Dan interview Vienna Tran all about Space Medicine
178.5 Wah Wonders Why - Storytime Discovery
A few new listener stories about the humour, horror and Ursinology(?) of Discovery.
178 Smart Enough to Meddle Metal Medals
Greg's Covid vaccine, Olympic Medals, Man eating plants, Metabolism slowdown, Pyramid power, Dan's rant.
177.5 Wah Wonders Why - Storytime
A selection of short stories and sketches from Greg, Dan and the SE2KB listenership.
177 Smart Enough to Ape Men
Nutrition, Headaches, Big Bodies and Monster Proofing.
176.5 Wah Wonders Why - Metapoducken
Greg and Dan were guests on Metapod.
176 Smart Enough to Bear Grills
Tiny bears, anal breathing and Superman's ice breath.
175.5 Wah Wonders Why - Who Owns Space
Greg and Dan talk to a Space Lawyer about Space Law!
175 Smart Enough to Hoof Hearts
X-rays, Chinese rockets, Subtitles, Why men live shorter than women, Bug Zappers and Unicorns.
174.5 Wah Wonders Why - Snapshots Africa
Greg talks to Tara about how South Africa has been coping with the Year of Covid19
174 Smart Enough to Heidi Hi
Heidi Allen chats about prehistoric slime and the giant stone towers it created
173.5 Wah Wonders Why - Snapshots 3 - One Year Later
Greg catches up with with people around the globe.
173 Smart Enough to Time Tunnels
Grass, Cryptocurrency, Dan's in trouble, Planet tunnel, Patient squid
172.5 Episode Wah Wonders Why - Here Comes The Sun
Doctor Joel Gilmore returns to talk renewables and how boned are we? Dan is occasionally helpful.
172 Smart Enough to Count Dracula
Mars Spaceships, Brush Turkeys, Vampire Hospital, Youth Music, Fahrenheit Conversion
171.5 Wah Wonders Why - Women in Science - Space Heritage
Greg connects with Dr Alice Gorman to discuss space heritage.
171 Smart Enough to Grey Poupon
Greg faints, Dan snakes, Breast feeding, Dung beetles and fantasy metal.
170 Smart Enough to Hoe Hose
Cooling a fish tank, Santa's Ho Ho Ho, Stochastic Resonance, Wombles
169.5 Wah Wonders Why - What the Philosophy?! - Did you have a choice?
Dan and Kevin join Greg to debate free will. A debate that has raged for thousands of years. I guess they solve it in the hour.
169 Smart Enough to Milk Jokes
Milk Spoilage, Panicky crowds and Dune Spice
168.5 Wah Wonders Why - Snapshots 2
After 6 months, Greg gets back in contact with people from around the world to see how they are faring in this pandemic world.
168 Smart Enough to Face Facts
Dan and Greg chat to Dr. Romina Palermo about prosopagnosia (face blindness).
167.5 Wah Wonders Why - Give me STEAM
Greg has Dr Sam Illingworth on to discuss science and the arts. Specifically, poetry.
167 Smart Enough to Climb Scales
Mermaids, Outrunning Dinosaurs, Dissolving bodies
166.5 Wah Wonders Why - Death becomes her
Greg talks to a mortuary assistant about what happens to your body after you pop your clogs.
166 Smart Enough to Dust Mites
Science Week, Space Force, Henrietta Lacks, Thanos' snap, Greedy Gulls.
165.5 Wah Wonders Why - The Tax Man Cometh
A breakdown of Greg's tax
165 Smart Enough to Touch Tones
Dan and Greg chat to Yuma Antoine Decaux about navigating the universe with sound.
164.5 Wah Wonders Why - Lost Women of Science - Space4Women
Dr SpaceJunk - A/Prof Alice Gorman returns to share her bounty of knowledge
164 Old Enough to Know Better
Carrington Vanston interview Greg and Dan about the podcast and how it came to be.
163 Smart Enough to Drill Bits
Sex underwater, Apples, Drilling, De-orbiting satellites.
162.5 Wah Wonders Why - What the Philosophy? - The price on your head
Kevin, the podcast's Philosopher-in-residence, returns to discuss with Greg how much a human life should be valued.
162 Smart Enough to Wear Wolves
Toothpaste and OJ, Werewolves on the moon, Peak unhappiness, Terminal velocity of arrows.
161.5 Wah Wonders Why - Snapshots
Greg takes a global snapshot talking to people around the globe about their pandemic experience. From the U.S, Grenada, New Zealand, Phillipines, Australia, Germany, France, and the U.K people from all walks of life share their thoughts about the pandemic that effects us all. 0h:1m:51s Jess and Gabby - St George's, Grenada. 0h:19m:55s Gabe - Baguio City, Philippines. 0h:30m:15s Megan and Vijay - Munich, Germany. 0h:37m:32s Steve - San Antonio, USA. 0h:45m:48s Eloise - Brisbane, Australia. 1h:02m:31s Natalie - Brisbane, Australia. 1h:15m:02s Rose - London, UK. 1h:29m:07s Kath - Wellington, New Zealand. 1h:38m:03s Elana - Perth, Australia. 1h:43m:28s Amaya - New York, USA. 2h:00m:30s Celine - Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France. 2h:08m:02s Jay - Australia. 2h:16m:36s Dan - The Smart Enough To Know Better Comedy Bunker, Australia.
161 Smart Enough to Bat Viruses
We discuss the pandemic a little bit but then move onto more fun topics like busy birthdays, ideal glass, losing a moon, chromosomes.
160.5 Wah Wonders Why - It's Show Time!
Betelgeuse is pulsing with Kat Ross
160 Smart Enough to Glaze Mugs
Altruism testing, porcelain recycling, drainage and puddles.
159.5 Wah Wonders Why - Lost Women of Science
Greg is joined by Dr Alice Gorman and Kathryn Ross to discuss the experience of women in science.
159 Smart Enough to Perfect Pixels
Ultima Thule, Retro Consoles, Vampire power, Movies in the 2020s, Colder as you climb, More continents.
158.5 Wah Wonders Why - What the Philosophy?! - Compromise
Greg talks to Kevin Lowe about compromise.
158 Smart Enough to Peck Pickles
Prepping, Raising Children, Pickles, Angry Empathy. Also Soda Blasting, Nitrogen, Pink Noise and walks of shame about continents and dog years.
157.5 Wah Wonders Why - Sad Astra
Greg and Dan really complain (possibly a bit too much) about a film by a celebrated director that frustrated both of them.
157 Smart Enough to Click Bait
A conversation with Darren Hamley about dolphins and teaching.
156.5 Wah Wonders Why - Taste Test
A chocolate experiment
156 Smart Enough to Shoot Stars
An interview about where rocks come from with Space Rock Scientist Dr. Lucy Forman
155.5 Wah Wonders Why - What Price Victory - Checkin (Ada)
Greg checks in on Ada from the 'What Price Victory' episode.
155 Smart Enough to Wee Ones
Sinking the ISS. Syrup. Holding your pee. Protesting. Killing Jar Jar.
154.5 Wah Wonders Why - What Price Victory - Checkin (Eloise)
Greg checks in with Eloise regarding what horrors babies inflict on bodies.
154 Smart Enough to Eye Tests
An interview with Optometrist Ben. Also grass and ants, Dengue fever update and 20 minutes at the end where we just chat.
153.5 Wah Wonders Why - Food of the Gods
Greg dives deep into the world of chocolate.
153 Smart Enough to Loot Crates
Bombing the moon, Touch surfaces, Office temperature, the Lymphatic system.
152.5 Wah Wonders Why - Devil in the detail
When the scientific method goes awry. Greg ropes Dan into this one.
152 Smart Enough to Star Fields
Indigenous Astronomy with Dr. Duane Hamacher
151.5 Wah Wonders Why - It takes ≥ two to tango
Polyamory with Scott and Amy
151 Smart Enough to Baby Brains
Overly smart bombs, Beluga planes, Baby brains, Chips, Pokemon brains, Zombie foetus.
150 Smart Enough to Dub Steps
Dub step, Pancakes, Nova, Enviro-science. With Joel Gilmore
149.5 Wah Wonders Why - What the Philosophy - Eugenics
Kevin Lowe returns to discuss eugenics and genetic engineering.
149 Smart Enough to Pan Cakes
An interview with Dr Wes Fraser about some very special astral bodies.
148.5 Wah Wonders Why - Astroquest
Three short interviews with the creators of Astrofest. Kirsten Gottschalk, Dr Luke Davies and Lisa Evans.
148 Smart Enough to Bug Motels
Mars None, Flying Fish and Boobies, Sleeping with dogs, Killing Cockroaches, DNA hacking, Cryptozoo Healing.
147 Smart Enough to Bare Bear Bair
Bears, Cats, Dogs, Bluebottles, Indian/asian Mynas, Chicago and its river.
146.5 Wah Wonders Why - Jefferson Starfish
Doctor Who fan made radio show by Nat Bochenski
146 Smart Enough to Man Flues
Supernumery nipples. Men getting sick. Fingerprinting urine. New Zealand. The Tassie Devil.
145.5 Wah Wonders Why - Whether the Weather will Wither the Wether
Climate change. Just how doomed are we? With Dr Sarah Perkins
145 Smart Enough to King Parrots
Blue Sky, Birds, Speed of Death, Pain Killers, Empty Universe, Cup of Tea.
144.5 Wah Wonders Why - What the Philosophy!?
Greg talks to ethicist Kevin Lowe about the backfire effect, fear as the basis of society and whether philosophy is a real thing anyway.
144 Smart Enough to Catch the Breeze
Measuring the wind, Animals that get skin cancer, Sneaky Rex. Iceland 999. Quakes Sketch: Bear Claws
143.5 Wah Wonders Why - Science!
Greg Wah talks about the scientific process Short Story - Cuckoo Music - Ossuary 6 - Air. Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
143 Smart Enough to Ice Lands
Greg's trip to Iceland, broken mouse, smelly toilet, clover. Song: MCPC
142.5 Dan's Memory
Dan explains the Peg Memory Trick.
142 Smart Enough to Back Doors
Frost, Anal Carbs, Second Brain, Roman invasion of Great Britain.
141.5 Wah Wonders About Time Travel
In this episode Greg and Dan talk all things Time Travel.
141 Smart Enough to Scar Tissues
Segments: Scars, Inhaling health, Front facing eyes, Plastic Bags, Kodiak Island. Sketch: Cthulhu by Gaslight.
140.5 Wah Wonders What Price Victory
What would you pay to compensate for your "flaws"? Greg interviews several people about what they didn't have and whether they chose to buy it.
140 Smart Enough to Start a Space Bar
We talk to Jaron Mitchell from 4 Pines Beer about their plans to launch beer into space. Also, flaws in the marshmallow test.
139.5 Wah Wonders Why - No Moon
No Moon with Kate Harborne A/Prof Cassandra Perryman Gretchen McCulloch Lingthusiasm Dr Harriet Mills Dan Beeston
139 Smart Enough to Count Mammals
Segments: Hangovers, Hidden mammals, Prickly Pears, Social media bubbles, Cordova 999AD. Sketch: Diamond Store.
138.5 Wah Wonder About Teleportation
Greg chats to Kevin Lowe and Dr Greg Watson about the ethics of teleportation.
138 Smart Enough to Launch Vegemite
Segments: FM spaceships, Cooked TV, James Gilmore and the Gilmore Space Corporation plus a freezing game show. Sketch: Solo odds
137 Smart Enough to Shave Furries
Segments: Jute and thread counts, domesticating humans, centaurs and Chu.
136 Smart Enough to Frighten Birds
Segments: Falcon Heavy and the Space Tesla, mammals with nighttime vision, The black death
135 Smart Enough to Crack Space Whips
Segments: Dr Alice Gorman, elephant communication
134 Smart Enough to Juggle Balls
Segments: 2017 was pretty great, Orange peel, Man is nicer than Monkeys, Testicle Transplants, Egypt, Cooking God.
133 Smart Enough to Guess Passwords
Segments: Acid in food, Fluffy ffffing dinosaurs, Flare Stacks, Knife injuries by night, and Pimping Thailand. Sketch: Police Academy
132 Smart Enough to Launch Cucumbers
We chat to Dr Michele Bannister about Interstellar 1 and its trajectory through our solar system.
131 Smart Enough to Stuff Dinosaurs
Counter shading camouflage, creepy occupations, ocean hitchhikers, the young, skunks, Moldovia and Dracula.
130 Smart Enough to Unite States
Dan and Greg traveled to the land of the USA. They ramble on for an hour and a frickin' half about all the sciencey stuff they found there.
129 Smart Enough to Know Nutty Robots
David Bell chats about macadamia nuts and robots Also magnet fishing and who's murder bird is who?
128 Smart Enough to Know Pheromone Trains
Dr Kirsti Abbott talks about Ants.
127 Smart Enough to Know our Medium Mean Mode
Averages, Drinking pee, Counting Spiders, Australian Hats.
126 Smart Enough to Know Stone Zuul
Dr. Caitlin Syme explains two exciting dinosaur fossils.
125 Smart Enough to Know Spider Diets
Spider diets, Smurfs, Musk brain mesh, Sweat, Pimping Sicily
124 Getting Dogs Drunk
Beer, Sharks, New Continent, Sad Dogs, Tonga.
123 Froth!
We interview Dr. Helen Czerski about ocean bubbles and froth.
122 Your New Organ and You
The blackest black. A brand new organ. Popcorn popcorn. The weight of everything. English China. Moscow 1400AD. Coke as a pesticide.
121 Waporised
Interview: Cavitation bubbles with Dr Danail Obreschkow
120 A Fish of a Time
Space Law, Sea Sickness, Ethiopia 500AD, Dolphin speech, Cow Burps and Methane.
119 Deep Sausages
Mars, Blisters, Grip strength, Glue, Pre Incan Tech, Smiling Losers.
118 A lovely bowl of Bufo Marinus
Greg and Dan chat to Michelle Franklin about the Cane Toad epidemic. Also addresses and ultrasounds.
117 Squeezing buttocks live at the Planting Festival
Greg and Dan run their game show LIVE at the Planting Festival at Woodford.
116 A Blunt Chat with Dr. Cassandra Perryman
Cassandra Perryman on drugs and addiction
115 Black Suits
Crows and tubes, Sonic Booms, Magnetic tapes, Celebrity poop.
114 The Harvest
Organ donation with Dr. Aimee Cunningham
113 Hair Brained
Crows sense of self, Frizzy Hair, Sucking blood, Going Loco in Merv.
112 Planet Nein
Greg and Dan, with the help of Dr Michele Bannister discuss the Pluto flyby results and the mysterious planet found on the outskirts of our solar system.
111 Valentine’s Goo
Gravitational Waves, Freezing stuff, Chins, Elephants, Trees Breaking, Vikings.
110 Balloon Horror
Greg and Dan, with the help of Dr Cassandra Perryman, Dr Greg Watson and Natalie Bochenski, get the stories of a bunch of science keenos at the Woodford Folk Festival.
109 Woodford 2 Frog Bonk
Greg and Dan, with the help of Spencer Howsen, Dr Cassandra Perryman and Caitlin Syme get the stories of a bunch of science keenos at the Woodford Folk Festival.
108 Woodford 1 Bug Junk
Greg and Dan, with the help of Spencer Howsen and Dr. Jen Parson get the stories of a bunch of science keenos at the Woodford Folk Festival.
107.5 A Very Hitler Christmas
Segments: Peaches, Resources, Baby Hitler
107 Bags of Blood
Segments: Pumpkins, Bags under the eyes, Jedis, Coins. Sketches: Neanderthal Farming, Tax, Time Travel Story.
106 Default Minimum Incoming
Interview: Scott Santen talks about the idea of a default minimum income.
105 Hey Chicken! You Yella?
Segments: White shirts, Ant medication, Petrol reclaimation and Pimp my Time Kentucky. Sketches: Echo Location, Mars Attacks, Broken Video Game.
104 Dan and Greg talk rubbish
Interview: Kristin Metzeling about recycling
103 Lie in it
Segments: Make your bed. Mt Fuji. Babies are goal oriented. Pimp Tehran 500BC
102 The Lost Interview
Interview: Madeline O'Leary - Epilepsy and Fish.
101 Horizontal Partying
Segments: Adrenalin, Grandmothers, Air Turbines, Rome 1. Sketches: Earthquake, Probe, Sketch Artist
100 A turtle poking out LIVE
Episode 100 was recorded live at the Powerhouse Turbine Platform. We play a game show where the audience brings us science stories. Sponsored by spacificatravel.com and aquariumstogo.com.au
99 Adrift and Encrusted
Segments: Vegan Diet, Barnacles, Magnetic Pole Flip, Columbus and the Pox. Sketches: Multiverse
98 Spaced Out
Interview: Rebecca Allen - Pluto flyby, plasma tubes.
97 Floats like an Elephant
Segments: Pluto, Questions, Getting taller, Dumbo, Greece Sketches: Slippery Slope, Prank Call, Amedeo
96 Climate Change Your Mind
Interview: John Cook - Climate Change debate techniques
95 The Reich Stuff
Segments: Wolves and baboons, cars and fuel gauges, Dinosaur fingers, Germany 1920 Sketches: Tech Support, Old Macdonald, Documentary
94 CSI: Mutoudeng Village
Interview: Caitlin Syme and dinosaur forensics.
93 Rats and Cats
Segments: Rats have empathy, Cats like boxes, can ultrasound damage your ear, Who wants to shoot Hitler, Wiltshire England 2000BC, Terminal Velocity of a plane. Sketches: Firefighteer, Apology, Different sketch.
92 Slippery When Wet
Interview: Dean Narramore returns to discuss weather and transport.
91 Hearing Silence
Segments: Private Schools, Infrasound, Pat your dog, Pimp my Time - Khmer Empire. Sketches: Time protest, Paranoia, Cycle of Fear.
90 Lumber Jacked
Interview: Michael Green - Wooden Skyscrapers
89 Thunder in the Middle
Segments: Salt water, Eyelash length, He-Man cryptozoo, Zombie spread, Pimp my Time - French Revolution. Sketches: History, Robert the Robber, Neck Pinch
88 Tiny James Bond
Interview: Dr Wilko Duprez Anti-biotics
87 Eleven out of Ten
Segments: Neanderthal sex location, Zambonis, Avocados, Women lie about disliking men, LSD Dinosaurs, Surviving in a fictional universe. Sketches: Transylvanian Fonts, Love Poem, Knowing Each Other.
86 Ince-tant Robin
Interview: Robin Ince (from the Infinite Monkey Cage) discusses how science brings such delight and happiness.
85 A Bite to the Skull
Segments: Bubbles, Infrared, Minor Planets, Zombie Supermarket, Head Lice. Sketches: Good Cop, Terrible Cop. Cat out of the Bag, Issac Newton Newtonian Weight Loss Programme.
84 The Future of Work
Interview: Dr Stefan Hajkowicz and the future of work.
83 Sweeping the Chimney
Segments: Chimneys in the wind, Cracker Science, Mosquito mouths, The Grim Reaper's speed, Chickens and Eggs at the same time. Sketches: The wrong religion, Eating my Bodyweight, 12 days of Xmas.
82 Bug Hunt
Cryptozoo: How to cook xenomorphs with Kenji Lopez-Alt
81 A Relay Race of Disease.
Segments: Bubbles, When the neandersex happened, Hand drying, Electricity and the horse race, Holograms for wifi. Sketches: T3h Raven, Meeting Dave, Courteous Aliens.
80 Popcorn Cows
Interview: Daniella Martin and eating bugs
79 Babies under the table
Segments: Alcohol in breast milk, attractive men, genetics of your ex-boyfriend, Onions, Tellitubbies. Sketches: Wookie, New suit, 100% of the brain.
78 Off the Scale
Interview: David Steen - Snakes, tortoises and Godzilla.
77 Pale Beige Dot
Segments: Microwaving the speed of light, Midges, The colour of the universe, The Rice Experiment, Sitting by yourself, Cryptozoo Thomas the Tank Engine. Sketches: Crocodile Pop, A Woven Blanket, Yoda Training. Song: The Rebuttal of Schrödinger's Cat
76 The Vaccination Bug
Segment: Who first proved the speed of light? Interview: Prof. John Aaskov - Vaccinations
75 The Best of Smart Enough to Know Better 2
Segments: Ball Lightning, Silver, The water cycle Songs: My Boddy, Under the C. Cryptozoos: Werewolves, Zombies. Sketches: Apocalypse Brunch, Stormtroopers
74 The Best of Smart Enough to Know Better 1
Segments: Pyramids, Left-handedness. Songs: Monster Wife, Heliorap. Cryptozoos: Reindeer, Pokemon, Gremlins. Sketches: Henge Problem,
73 The Dark Suck
Interview - Greg Wah and Dan Beeston are interviewed by Allen Chang and Alistair Kearney about fictional energy.
72 Web of Truths
Segments: St. John's Wort is dangerous. Interview: Dr. Rob Raven - Spiders
71 Animals, Minerals and Vegetables... and Fungi
Segments: Warp drives, Credit card chips, Brand new rocks, Tumeric, Mario. Sketches: Autobots, Noah's daughter, Performance Review.
70 A Sky Full of Cake
Interview: Brendan Griffen - Dark Energy
69 Tiny Lady Pipes
Segments: Thyroid, Dog butts, Gluten, Scientists don't like looking at lady parts, 5 second rule, Baby's blood. Sketches: You're off the case, Home run, Drop zone.
68.5 Rob Who?
Interview: Rob Lloyd and the Science of Doctor Who.
68 This episode sucks
Interview: Dean Narramore - Tornados.
67 Hammer Time
Segments: Sedna's sister and the Nature Podcast. Twins and their genetics, The first Knight Spatula. Civilization Falls, Cryptozoo Thor's Hammer. Sketches: Under the Colon, More Phone sex, Maths Sketch Sketch.
66 How's it Hanging?
Interview: Dr. Jen Parsons - Bats
65 Everything white with the world.
Segments: White skin, Eyeglasses, Cost of not travlling to space, Name the moon. Sketches: Apocalypse brunch, Meanwhile in Easterous, Alt Therapy. Song: The Heliorap.
64 The Plastic Brain of Greg Downey
Interview: Prof Greg Downey
63 The Paperwork
Segments: The Paperwork, Oil Pulling, Magnets, Stephen Hawking adds to our knowledge of black holes. Sketches: Asylum Seekers, Esperanto, Chickens.
62 Ned's Dead
Interview: Dr. Craig Cormick - The Science of Ned Kelly Segment: Tempering Metal
61 Magnet Dog
Segments: Dogs detect magnetic fields, The common Cold, Neaderthal relations. Sketches: Keeping Cool, Condiments, The Horns of Jericho
60 CSI: Chad
Interview: Michele Bannister and how the solar system came to be where it's at right now.
59 The Magic of Christman
Segments: Dan's Dental Adventure, Pee follow up, Fancy Dinosaurs, Smart Drinkers, Unifying Christ's powers. Sketches: Zombie Speed, Train Sex, A very special Christmas.
58 Faith Heeler
Interview: Peter Boghossian - Author of "A manual for creating atheists"
57 Round the back, chocolate's made.
Segments: Gas, Wee, Dogs, Farts, Poo. (This is what happens when you don't compare notes) Sketches: Pascal's wager, Helium Balloons, Van der Waals
56 Viral Delivery to the Head
Interview: Dave Hawkes. Viruses as a delivery service.
55 Pokemon WHY?!!
Segments: Pikachu, Color blind, Dinosaur theme park, Heavy photons, Saving people with vaccines. Sketches: Diamond Thieves, Viking Economics, Bikie War.
54 Sticky Meat
Interview: Dr Joel Gilmore and Molecular Gastronomy Segment: Paleo Diet
53 Tarnation
Segments: Tarnish, Fat Universe, Godless ethics, Cryptozoo the Flash. Sketches: Swearing, The server, 111 Up.
52 Solar Panel Beaters
Segments: Element 115, Nuclear hoax. Interview: Anthony Prior from Team Arrow
51 Absorbant and Yellow and Porous
Segments: Survey, Chad-watch, Plastimake, More Jurassic Park errors, Eating people, Aquaman, Knights Sketches: Amityville, The Vampire, The Menu.
50 Citizens? Science!
Segments: David Attenborough. Interview: Rob Hollow, Citizen Science
49 Quit Bugging Me
Segments: Komodo Dragons, Flailing Baby Limbs, Countdown, Mosquitos in the Rain, Geckos, Feas, Bedbugs, Bias and Bats. Sketches: The Lone Ranger, Graduation, Burns
48 Entangled
Segment: Man of Steel Interview: David Galiel from Elbowfish Games talks about the board game 'Antimatter Matters'.
47 Year Four ▶
Segments: Bondage makes you well adjusted, Car windscreens, silver and gold, Green lantern Sketches: Genie, The Arch, Eye Exam
46 Bannister to the Stars
Interview: Michele Bannister - The Outer Planets
45 Limericles!!
Segments: Limericks, The Flu, How to be Happy, Polar Molecules, Riddle South-East-North, Mass Diet
44 The Claw!!
Interview: The secret interview, Tal Waterhouse, Dr Carol Oliver and Dr Joel Gilmore.
43 Walkie Talkies for Guns
Segments: Jurassic Park 4, Eating or the lack there-of, Mossies, Lizards, Putting things into rats, Babies are Jerks, Cicadas. Sketches: Driving Test, Operating System, P-Bleep-A
42 How is Babby Blood Made?
Interview: Dr. Greg Watson and performance enhancing drugs.
41 Hue's on First
Segments: The infinite bar riddle, Rebooting the universe, Our new sponsors*, Color Evolution, Theories and Hypothesies. Sketches: The Church of Nobody Know, Death Star IT, Whale research
40 Display it Again Sam
Interview: Sam Clifford discusses stats and pollution.
39 Silver Tongues, Brass Holes.
Segments: Neon Squids, Silver, Werewolves, Holding Kitties. Sketches: Stonehenge, Sports Car, Rhyming.
38 Vanstone Cold Crazy
Segments: Cloning Neanderthals, pets, Carrington Vanston talks about film tech.
37 Leuco Dye Hard
Segments: Angel Genitals, Eating Dinosaurs, Vampire Farming, What a hand is for, Religious Brains. Sketches: Q, Quantum Tunnels, Movie review
36 Bananarmageddon
Interview: Dr. Stefan Hajkowicz, Megatrends and the end of the world.
35 Babies are dumb
Segments: Outrunning Dinosaurs, The trouble with siblings, Dumb Babies, Smart Babies. Sketches: A breakup, Wookie chess, He-man.
34 Sumner Camp
Interview: Kelly Sumner's Cult Experience Segments: The Bloop (revisited), Jurassic Park couldn't happen.
33 I Have No Sun!
Segments: Eclipse, Light Switch Riddle, Viruses R Us, Core the Earth, Driving License, City of Gold, Wisdom of Crowds. Sketches: Cannibals, Forest Moon, Total Eclipse of the Heart
32 Our Future World
Interview: Brisbane Writer's Festival with Paul Gilding, Stefan Hajkowicz and John de Graaf
31 Don't know Squat
Segments: Probe slowdown, Gender Bias, Toilet Sitting, Sleeping In. Sketches: Gomorah Angels, The Joker, Dragon Slayer.
30 A Logical Knot
Interview: Logic with Kevin Lowe. Segments: Alkaline diets, Telescope array, Doctor Chiropractor.
29 Moon Spiders
Segments: Jupiter impact, Riddle - Gold Coins, Animals in Space, Broken Heart, Telescopes. Sketches: Trek, Mary, Footy Show.
28 The droids we're looking for
Interview: Emily Lakdawalla Segments: Cryptozoo animal splicing, Potential energy, The battle of Autobot City.
27 Can it!
Segments: Tesla, Moon Dust, Curiosity, Rainbows, Tinned Food, Exploding Termites, The Dragon Riddle, Fear of Crowds, Nasa and we know it. Sketches: Moon landing, Most Dangerous Game, Town Ain't Big Enough.
26 A Dinosaur Point
Interview: Paul Willis. Segments: Dog's licking, Vampires and mirrors, Ramadan. Sketches: Blofeld's cat, The pope, Turing Test
25.5 Scratching an Ichth
Segments: Mars 1, Fish Stocks, Smart Traffic
25 Page Boys
Interview: Carol Gauld. Segments: Zombie Animals, Insects. Sketches: Judas, The 7 Commandments, Carpooling.
24.5 Not a Drop to Drink
Segments: All the water, The weight of E and sighing.
24 Melting Down Hearts
Interview: Bob Apthorp. Segments: Smart Enough Expo, Hulk Mortality. Sketches: Arborium, Horoscopes, The Thing.
23.5 Vision to Mars
Vision problems for space travellers, Mobile Phone pips, jumping into the void. Song: This Lab.
23 A Nice Bowl of Hot Stu
Interview: Stuart Layt. Segments: Feathered T-rex, Cryptozoo telekinesis. Sketches: Perspective News, Pet Store and Favourite Film.
22.5 Adelicious
How music works, How Adele works and a song by Dan about bioluminescence.
22 Boson Walks the Planck
Interview: David Harris. Segments: Warp Drive deceleration, re-enactment of the Copenhangen interpretation. Sketches: Higgs Poem, StormTroopers, Great Apes.
21.5 Getting the pips
Segments: Mobile Phone pips, Speaking backwards, Hypnosis, lifting heavy stuff. Story: The Cat.
21 Pulled Out of Our Hats
Interview: Peter Booth. Segments: Earth Weight, Dan's son, How many dead people, Miscarriages. Sketches: History Shaft, Letter Reading.
20.5 Left Right Handed
Dan and Greg bring Janet the Librarian on to discuss The greatest show on earth, They natter about right handed cavemen and they resolve the National Anthem competition.
20 The Finger Prince
Interview: Matt Thompson. Segments: Stephen Hawking, The Moon, Leap Seconds. Sketch: Officer Robot.
19.5 A Load of Old Ring Toss
Brain Dunning discusses zombie powder, ring worlds, testing psychics and bringing back the mammoths.
19 Nose what evil
Interview: Brian Dunning. Segments: Flying Reindeer, Naming Elements. Sketches: Super Villains, Be Bad
18.5 Expinktion Level Event
Interview: Steve Nerlich. Segments: Extinction, Pink is not Magenta
18 Daze of Astronomy
Interview: Steve Nerlich. Segments: Anthem, Tithing. Sketches: Bucks night, Interesting game, Meteorologist.
17.5 7 Billion Problems
Interview: Geo. Segments: over-population, strokes. Sketch: blackmail
17 Hrabbiting on
Interview: George Hrab. Segments: Looking at the sun, Cryptozoo Nightmare on Elm st, National Anthem, WOS: Gold Medals, Impossible Island. Sketches: Food Taster, Prof Wordsworth, At the Races.
16.5 Week in Geek
Greg and Dan briefly tell you where to get the 'Week in Geek' podcast.
16 Meating Celebrities
Segments, cyclones, Making Meat, competitions, Too much gold, vaccinations. Sketches: Bruce Wayne School for teens, Fair Trade, FM Radio
15.5 Whoa! No Way!
Liars, babies in the matrix, orbiting
15 Episode Number Twos
Interview: Dr Watson returns with bowel info. Segments: Dan's back from France. What you can't do in a space suit. Lemon Batteries. Sketches: 3D Glasses, Kept Man, Tourette's.
14.5 Wah? What is it good for?
Greg has a rant about space funding. Dan cowers.
14 Land Before Time
Interview: Jeremy from Walking with Dinosaurs. Segments: Stitcher, Volcano Ash, Ice Bullets in space, Tattoos, Pelicans. Sketches: Buying Milk, Brass Razoos, Monkeys can Rollerskate.
13.5 Let the right vampire in
Star Trek communicators, Sigh/Kick, Vampire Ethics, Death threats, Tears Tears.
13 Social Mediocrity
Interview: John Birmingham. Segments: Photons and Black Holes, peeing in the cold, Theft of ideas. Sketches: Learning French, Rapture, Chain Letter.
12.5 Two Cows worth of meat
Scraps from David Harris, Merkins, Photons and dairy cows.
12 David Harassment
Interview: David Harris. Segments: Accents, the final challenge - black holes. walk of shame. Sketches: The Frog and the Scorpion, Papa Cicada.
11.5 Triangle of Controversy
The Pioneer Discrepancy, The moon's Gravity effects, Quakes, Pyroles. Song - Taeniarhynchus saginata, Sketch - 100 word review.
11 Captain Australia Day
Interview: Capt. Australia. Segments: Cryptozoo - Zombies, Challenge - Diodes, Song - History of Knowledge. Sketches - Troy's Horse, Superman 2020, This Day in History.
10.5 Conmanship
Philip Escoffey talks about Quantum Physics, Pyroluria and other cons, placebos, then we discuss sky burials, and we celebrate pi and pie.
10 Why don't you think about it?
Interview: Skeptical Mentalist Phillip Escoffey. Segments: The Richter Scale, Supermoon, Einstein's Theory, Computer composed music. Sketches: Rocket Fuel, Buzz Kill.
9.5 The Dance
Witches gets licenses, God kills everyone, Dan gets a massage. Cryptozoo 3 - Stop the Flood.
9 Nazis on the Moon
An interview with Jarmo Puskala, the writer of 'IRON SKY'. Condensation, Blood, Hypothetically Speaking and Greenpeace. Sketches. Last Rites, Standot Comedy, and This day in History.
8.5 Blood blood blood blood
Offcuts from the John Birmingham interview, a chat about blood and the debut of the song 'Harrison' by Dan.
8 The Birmingham Special (not a sex position)
Australian accents, John Birmingham, Sound and Light Challenge, Transparent Aluminium. Sketches: New Years Resolution, Who's on first, History.
7.5 The Little Fulcrum Theory
Porn, Dr Joel: Biophysicist, Why Gold?, SE2KB
7.1 Emergency Power Band
A quick emergency podcast to discuss the Power Band Press Release. Also, Emergency Power Band is an awesome name for a rock quartet.
7 Green Christmas
Christmas, Climate change with Joel Gilmore, Double rainbows. Sketches: Nativity, Centipede, History 25th Dec, Jesus Addiction. Thanks to @girlclumsy, Lily and Jack for their voices
6.5 Walking. On air
Scraps from the cutting room floor. The greatest American Hero, Vegetarianism. Ma of Wah. Sketch: Video that's not quite right. (with Stuart Layt)
6 Hot Asian Girls
Dengue Fever vaccine, the Bernoulli effect, happiness. Sketches: Heisenberg, Last Meal, This day in history.
5.5 Stopped in Space
The Pioneer Discrepancy, Ma of Wah and the song 'Super Hero'.
5 Both Acid and Base Humour
Terror Birds, Acid, Pre-scripted water cycle, Signs. Sketches: The Sun Dial, Mandelbrot, Blue Sky Meeting.
4 A Mysterious Package
New cards, Calendars, The breakdown of Physics, Immortal Jelly Fish, How to find a planet, Creationist Minute. Sketches - Einstein Diet, Joke that doesn't work on the radio, This day in history, Grace and Inception.
3.7 Keeping abreast of the situation.
In this half episode our regular pair of tits interview Renee about the ins and outs of mammaries.
3.3 Smart Enough to Know Politics
Greg and Dan were asked to write some sketches for 612 Brisbane radio in the lead up to the election. This is the compilation.
3 The ends of the Earth
Hydrostatic equilibrium, Big sun Eta Carinae, Stuart Layt tells three ways the world will end, This day in History. Sketches: Exile, Abraham
2.5 Choice offcuts from the Doctor
The Rosetta spacecraft, Mystery sounds, Gremlins, and Offcuts from the Doctor. Sketches - Comedy dissection, A visit with animals.
2 Keep the doctor away!
Giant Attack Whale, Miracle Diet Berries, Neanderthals, Male lactation, Nuclear reactors. Sketches: Mime Artist, Number songs, This day is history.
1.5 The game with the round ball
Dan and Greg rope Spencer Howson in to discuss soccer, football and then a little Doctor who. Ma of Wah Soccer story. Sketchs - Foo'Baw' , Pan pipes.
1 Zero Point (and other nerdy surfing locations)
Guatemalan Sink Hole, Tornados, Zero point energy, Life on Titan, Holographs. Sketches - Big Tony, King Richard, This day in History, The Rug Store.