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to Know Better

A podcast of Science, Comedy and Ignorance.

Episode 199

Smart Enough to Taste Tests

( Week 3 of May 2023 )

Skin Cancer, Deep time, Salt and Snow.


The only

Micheal Barnes

Ranking Officer 1 year ago

Everyone has such high expectations for when a chow gets to its 200 episode when we all know it's the 199 episode that really provides the insight to know how good it is, in which case by this episode we can all agree the standard is 'Outstanding'.

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The only

Michal K

Ranking Officer 1 year ago

for fascinating though experiment about deep past you could read introduction to "what we owe the future" (and possibly rest of the book for thoughts about deep future :) ).

also, I don't know what exactly was said for my punchline :/ Can anyone transcribe the last sentence of total recall joke at 01:02:25? it would be much appreciated :)

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    Greg Wah

    Co-Captain 1 year ago

    “I would say they were talking Total Fecal”

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The only


Ranking Officer 1 year ago

I’ve fascinatedly watched my skin cut open and been removed in surgery. A pale and empty hole which filled slowly like a swimming pool. It was quite aesthetically pleasing.

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