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to Know Better

A podcast of Science, Comedy and Ignorance.

Episode 217

Smart Enough to Eyre Grievances

( Week 3 of Nov 2024 )

Assassin Bugs, Visual Centre, Catchment Areas, AI doctors and more dragons


The only

Ric & Anton

Ranking Officer 1 week ago

I can't remember where I heard this, so have no source, but to add to the doctors using AI discussion.

There was a study where the AI gave a diagnosis in two ways, it would either boldly and factually state the illness the patient had or it would more softly suggest a diagnosis as a possibility.

What they discovered was when the AI made the bold claims it the doctors were less likely to accept it than when the AI merely suggested it as a possibility. It's maybe giving the doctor a greater sense of agency in the process when they 'accept' a suggestion rather than be told an answer.

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    Greg Wah

    Co-Captain 1 week ago

    No-one likes to be told. That’s why it’s better to use Ai as a co-pilot and not a replacement.

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Micheal Barnes

Ranking Officer 2 days ago

Loved the podcast, as always brilliant stuff. I do want to hear more about this rising tide of blood sweeping away the capitalist oligarchs... Do we have a date? is it a Tuesday?

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