Logo Smart Enough
to Know Better

A podcast of Science, Comedy and Ignorance.

Episode 200.5

Tortoise Head

( Week 1 of Jul 2023 )

New Logo and other Greg does a Pimp my Time in Egypt



The only

Micheal Barnes

Ranking Officer 1 year ago

Always a delight to find a smart enough to know better podcast had dropped. With a Cryptozoo last episode and Pimp my time this episode its like someone released a Nostalgia-bot to create episodes. Love Brother/Sister Chaos tortoise as the new mascot. Looking forward to buying a T-shirt with their visage.

  • Funny 1
  • Clever
  • Heartwarming 1
  • Confronting
  • Trash
The 13rd


Smartzi 1 year ago

Not gonna lie: not a huge fan of the new logo. But hey, still listening. Onward to 400???

  • Funny
  • Clever
  • Heartwarming
  • Confronting 1
  • Trash
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