( Week 3 of Nov 2023 )
Pink Lakes, making oxygen, gems and jewels, Soda makers, Can everyone learn, The centre of the solar system, Smooth Earth
Micheal Barnes
Dan at 36:23 "colours bullshit. You just add stuff and everything changes" said no chemist ever.
Micheal Barnes
Regarding your question about intrinsic learning, which Dan derails at with his 1:12:12 'your entire race'. One of the discussion in my honours year was is it possible that the way the universe functions is in a way that it is intrinsically impossible with the way human brains function. Do we have any way to determine that the function of the universe is understandable. I don't mean any god stuff. I mean we use models of electromagnetic radiation it behaves and/or a particle depending on how it is observed. What if how it behaves it in a way inherently incomprehensible to a human brain. Not to say it will be always but at this moment our brains do not have the architecture to understand. Other than that I'm with Greg always behave as if you can become competent at something with effort, time and focus.
The only9 months ago
Greg Wah
This feels like the 'do we live in a simulation' question. If there is no way to ever know then it can be argued it doesn't matter. If the universe is run via a magical creature that uses its arcane ability to make it look like we in a physics universe, we kinda live in a physics universe