Logo Smart Enough
to Know Better

A podcast of Science, Comedy and Ignorance.

Episode 141

Smart Enough to Scar Tissues

( Week 3 of Jul 2018 )

Segments: Scars, Inhaling health, Front facing eyes, Plastic Bags, Kodiak Island.
Sketch: Cthulhu by Gaslight.


The only

Michael Jude Peter Barnes (legacy)

Smartzi 6 years ago

These podcasts get better and better. Was that Girl Clumsy voicing the role of Victorian Fanny in Cthulhu by gaslight sketch? It's the part she was born to play. Fanny as in the eponymous 1944 film (and 1940 novel), not the US colloquial expression for arse.

  • Funny
  • Clever
  • Heartwarming
  • Confronting
  • Trash
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