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Episode 203.5

Wah Wonders Why - Book Club - Animals

( Week 1 of Oct 2023 )

Dr Natasha is back to discuss books about animals


The only

Micheal Barnes

Ranking Officer 1 year ago

Welcome back, Wah Wonders Why has certainly been missed. I hope for many more of these book clubs. They are brilliant as the continue to add to an ever more tower-some to_be_read pile. I also hope that every book club see Peter Watt's amazing novel Blindsight (and equally fascinating sequel Echopraxia) always mentioned but never formally reviewed. I am always a fan of Neal Stephenson but I agree with Dr Natasha ever since Anathem (https://xkcd.com/483/ even Randall Munroe of XKCD has a dig about him) he needs a tougher editor and since I read Seveneves makes the point he can't write endings.

I have added 'The animals in that country' by Laura Jean McKay to 'want to read' on Goodreads (currently at 415 books)

Also Paper Girls, the graphic novels are a wonderful wired exploration of teenage hopes, adults realities and wibbly wobbly timey winny, and the TV series certainly did it justice and deserved more than one season. The scenes where young Erin are giving adult Erin a hard time are one of my favourites.

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The only


Smartzi 1 year ago

Love these bookclub episodes! Some great reccomendations! Is there a master-list somewhere of all the books you've discussed? If not could I suggest creating a GoodReads group or list?

  • Funny
  • Clever 1
  • Heartwarming 2
  • Confronting
  • Trash
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