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A podcast of Science, Comedy and Ignorance.

Episode 195.5

Wah Wonders Why - Book Club - Girls to the front

( Week 1 of Feb 2023 )

More books reviewed with Dr Natasha this time featuring women authors.


The only


Crew Member 1 year ago

Loved the episode, love hearing you two nerd out about books. Love hearing you nerds being nerdy about science in scifi. Some good recommendations here to check out.

I was wondering if you consider Margaret Atwood sci-fi? Not like Handmaids Tale but what about the Oryx and Crake trilogy?

But if you want theme suggestions for future episodes, I was thinking bears. Bears are in this season. Right?

Also: I thought NHW had won the gun from Orgazmo, rather than a head-scratcher thingy. Those things are so misleadingly named.

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    Greg Wah

    Co-Captain 1 year ago

    I haven't read Margaret Atwood Sci-Fi, but I bet Dr Natasha has! Bears, huh? I wonder how many sci-fi books there are about bears? Adrian Tchaikovsky wrote a great book called 'Dogs of War'. Not about bears, but weaponised animals. And then there is a superb 'We3' comic by Grant Morrison about a dog, a cat and an explosive bunny going to war. It's great and a real tear jerker.

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Smartzi 1 year ago

ah DAMMIT!! More books to add to my TBR pile, which was already teetering precariously. When are you guys going to invite me onto the blimp so I can squirrel myself away in a timeloop and read and read and read....

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    Greg Wah

    Co-Captain 1 year ago

    It might have been shot down over the continental US. Shooting balloons is an exciting past time the world is playing.

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Micheal Barnes

Ranking Officer 1 year ago

These are some of my favourite podcasts. Immediately jumped over on good reads to follow Dr Natasha, hope that doesn't come across as creepy. I really enjoyed Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota quartet but I had put off reading the final because I had put off reading them until the first three came out and thought it was a trilogy and I has broken when I got to the end of book three and realised It was unfinished and I'd have to wait. This podcast has motivated to return to it. This has however meant I had to re-read the first three. Thank you for mentioning it this great podcast as I'm rediscovering how substantial this text. Also hard agree The Sparrow is a magnificent soul crushing piece of literature.

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